R.S. Technologies, Inc.

6699 Cindy Lane, Festus, Missouri 63028 (314) 255-1948

Download the A.L.E.I.R. Program for Law Enforcement Agencies Version

This demo program is designed specifically for Missouri Law Enforcement Agencies. This program will run on M.S. Windows (32-bit or 64-bit) and Macintosh personal computers and workstations. This report writing program will collect all data required to capture information used to report NIBRS data. All data is saved on your local MySQL Server.

This version of the A.L.E.I.R. Program that has the below listed program modules.

Setup Files for Windows/Mac

Download the MS Windows version of MariaDB or MySQL from the Internet.  Install MariaDB or MySQL to your MS Windows machine.  Install MariaDB and/or MySQL in any locaiton you like.  When you install the MariaDB or MySQL Server, do not change the default user account for the "root" account. You need to have an empty or blank password for the "root" account to use the free program that stores the report data to your local machine.

If you entered a password for the "root" account when you installed MariaDB or MySQL, you will need to remove the password before you will be able to use the free program. You can do so by logging into your MySQL Server using the "root" account with your password and then running the command "SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('');" to remove the password for the "root" account.

After you install MariaDB or MySQL to your computer's hard drive, import the data files to the server.  Click on the "Data Import Files for ALEIR.sql" link and save this link to your computer's hard drive.  Use this SQL file to import the data files to your server.

I suggest you use HeidiSQL (installed with MariaDB) to import your data files to your server.  To import a MySQL database using HeidiSQL, connect to your new database using HeidiSQL.  Select the database and then, from TOOLS menu, select "Load SQL file..."  Select the "Data Import Files for ALEIR.sql" file.  Once the .sql file loads, click the "Run" option.  This will populate your database with the new "lcaleir" table used by the ALEIR Program.

For Windows users, download the self-extracting WinZip file named ALEIR for Windows Local Server.exe listed below. When you finish downloading the file, run it and select the "Unzip" command button to extract the setup files to the "C:\ALEIR" directory on your computer's hard drive. Change into the "C:\ALEIR" directory on your computer's hard drive and run the "ALEIR.exe" file to use the program.

For 64-bit Mac users, download the compressed file named ALEIR for Mac Local Server.zip listed below. When you finish downloading the file, extract it to any directory you like. Run the "ALEIR.app" file to use the program. If the app doesn't start, you may need to change the permission on the "ALEIR.app" so you can run the program. In this case, open the Terminal app and type the following:

sudo chmod -R 755

followed by a space. Now drag the application package into the Terminal window. You should see something like "$ sudo chmod -R 755 /Users/USER/Applications/ALEIR.app" in the Terminal window. Now press the enter key. Provide your password and you should now be able to run the application.

MySQL Server will hold all of the data entered into the report writing program. All data is saved into the program is saved to your local MySQL Server.

The default user names and passwords to access the report writing and cad programs are listed below.

You can view screen shots of the forms in this version of the A.L.E.I.R. Program at the links below.

User Manual for Uniform Incident Report

Uniform Incident Report Training Manual

Email us for additional information about this program.

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For More Information Email info@aleir.com